Good morning all! The backyard weather thingy says that it is a pleasant 62 degrees here in Babson Park, FL. The acuwindow says that it is a bit cloudy this morning but I think that will burn off in the next hour or so. On today’s agenda, a few meetings and someplace along the way I will get out for a run during my lunch break.
On other amazing news, two things popped up in my Facebook feed yesterday, the first was also reported on the evening news, that McDonald’s is lowering their soda prices to $1 in hopes of attracting customers back to their stores. Now, that by itself is interesting as many people are avoiding fast food because of the health affects.
The second article that showed up, and yes I went and found more reliable sources, was that big pharmaceutical is betting that their next big money maker will be drugs that treat NASH, a liver disease that occurs in obese people and most often progresses into cirrhosis and liver failure.
Is the idea of eating healthy affecting the bottom line of two companies? Perhaps McDonalds as well as the drug companies? Perhaps. May also have something to do with the lifting of the dietary restrictions in our public schools that seems to be sneaking it’s way through the House right now.
As someone who has been affected by both weight issues, fast food, and liver cirrhosis I find this more than coincidental. Are NASH drugs going to be the next push in all the doctors offices and hospitals? Perhaps people should go run a few miles a day and skip the drugs.