Res Gas Attack
Damit Res! You can stop with the gas attacks now. But, I will thank you for spending most of the day in Jesse's office rather than gassing me out. Dude!…
Can’t have a section that doesn’t contain pets
Damit Res! You can stop with the gas attacks now. But, I will thank you for spending most of the day in Jesse's office rather than gassing me out. Dude!…
(Babson Park, FL) But Dad! There could be a rabbit in there!
Some pics from this mornings walk. Backyard weather thingy says 63 degrees and 7 mile per hour sustained wind.
Ranger says Leona smells. He has to hide his nose. She is a bit gassy tonight
Mindy enjoying her new "office" bed. Someone started taking the stuffing out of her old one.
"The Pack" enjoying their Christmas Day. From left to right we have Lady, Mindy, Leona, Peanut, and Ranger.
Have to say that the sand of Florida is meeting with Peanut's approval. See, up until recently none of the others in my pack have been wanting to play with…
Wait a second.... an extra pup? Who has kicked Mindy off the big bed with Peanut, Ranger, and Mindy.