Day 7 – Goodbye Arizona: California Bound

Once again up before the sun, time zones kill me, when I was younger it used to be so much easier, now I just do not adjust so well.

Today, being Sunday, I only had two HVACi appointments and one StrikeCheck appointment. One in Tuscon and one in Vail. Once I was done with those it was time to leave Arizona and head to California.

Spending the night in Indio, CA, a few miles from my first appointment and then tomorrow I start working my way towards Los Angeles. I am sort of looking forward to getting back to green. The desert is a nice place to visit, but I would not want to live here. Everything is tan, no green.

The area around the hotel is barren, there is a housing development close by, but I am not sure exactly what the industry is, maybe the two casinos that are here. I was able to find the downtown area, and was actually able to get some real food for dinner tonight (real food = healthy).

I then wandered out to what at one time was a lake, now dry, with the exception of another gated housing development that appears to have the only real lake in the area. Look at the difference between the “with water” and the “without water” areas.

A couple other things I noticed as soon as I crossed over into California. First, gas prices are 4.25 per gallon for the cheap unleaded. Second, masks are the in things unlike the other states I have visited so far. I watched two people get booted out of Walmart for being the only two people in the store without masks on.

And, as a special addition to today’s pictures I decided to get some after dark pics of Indio, CA.

See you tomorrow evening from Valencia, CA

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