That should be “In the air again … almost.” Flying out of Tampa this afternoon for a 10 day trip that will take me to five states in the process. I rarely blog about my trips, but I decided that this time I would have some fun doing this. As many of you know I am a Technical Field Manager for HVACi (HVAC Investigators) which is part of Consolidated Claims Group IQ. We do Cause of Loss investigations for most of the major insurance companies in the country when there is a claim regarding anything HVAC/R, electrical, or electronics. There are four of us who are Technical Field Managers, and during the busy season one of our roles is to go help the local technicians get caught up when they fall behind, provide support and training to our technician base, provide technical support to our processors and report writers, and do loss evaluations on the large commercial claims which require special handling.
So, once this thunderstorm clears and we can leave the gate, I am on my way to Cincinnati to start the work week.