Facebook Post: 2012-01-24

Good Morning! It is almost 45 degrees here in Willington, CT and the snow that I had to get off the walks and driveways this past weekend has melted. What and odd year. Anyways this is the house of peace and tranquility. Ranger is extremely settled in and Peanut is almost back to her normal self. Mindy is pissed because Ranger keeps deciding that he wants whatever bed she is laying down on (or is about to lay down on).
I wasn’t here for this last night but I guess Jesse was running a little behind around dinner time last night and the girls were doing their bounding around that they do every night at dinner time. Ranger decided on a more direct approach…. all of a sudden Jesse heard a thump on the floor next to him and looked down to see Ranger with his food bowl. Ranger had brought his food bowl out of the dining room and dropped it onto the floor next to Jesse and was sitting there looking at Jesse as if to say, “OK do you need a more direct hint?”
Everyone have a great day!

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