Facebook Post: 2012-02-04

Good Morning all! It’s about 41 degrees here in Willington, CT. Just got back in with the pups from a little lure practice in the back yard. It’s not as easy as it sounds….. first, we have to rescue the track lure from it’s hiding spot on top of the refrigerator, then we take each dog individually outside with muzzle (this is to protect the lure so I don’t have to replace it after each time I use it). We spend 15 minutes or so throwing the lure around the yard and the pups race after it. Once I throw the lure, I have to race after the Greyhound to go take the lure away from them when they get it, and sometimes that is a moving target. While I am outside, Jesse has to be inside controlling the two remaining pups. This morning it included taking them inside a room on the other side of the house with the TV volume up so they don’t hurt themselves doing inside zoomies while the other one is outside. So, how did we do this morning?

Mindy, is a seek and destroy Greyhound. She knows what I am reaching for when I get the lure out of hiding, she is the first to the door. She would probably put her own muzzle on if she could, and then she is waiting, tail wagging in the yard for me to start the game of chase. She is in wonderful shape and doesn’t get winded easily. She had fun and I had to convince her to go back inside (grabbing hold of collar and walking her inside).

Peanut was next. She ran a few times after the lure, but it is too big for her to grab hold of, it is almost the size of her head. She looses interest after it stops moving and it is too big for her to grab hold of like the other two do. She finally had enough and went back to the door by herself. She had fun, tail was a wagging!

Ranger, this was his first time out since we had him, he got to the door, almost tried to knock it down on his way out. He waited VERY impatiently at the bottom of the deck steps for me to get out with the lure. First throw he got to where it hit the ground almost at the same time. He is VERY aggressive on the lure, almost like Mindy is. He ran, ran, and ran this morning until I decided he had enough. He is still out of shape and it took him almost 1/2 an hour to recover. We will work on that before the first LGRA meet in the Spring.

Now they are all asleep (well, pretending to be). They LOVE lure practice days!

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