Facebook Post: 2016-01-26 Greyhound Tails!

So, my greyhound friends. When you first adopted your greyhounds what where you told about greyhounds that turned out to be a joke, like the famous, “greyhounds don’t bark or shed”

Carol Cox Fornuto
Yep that’s what I was told! I thought there was something wrong with Emma.
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Michelle Lee
That they’re couch potatoes lol
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John Parker
That managing intact Greyhounds was nigh-impossible for “pet people.”
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Janine Kressler
They will jump the fence. Be careful with the cats. If you accidentally drop the leash outside you’ll never see them again. They’ll run out the door so be careful when you open it. The group I adopted from had me so paranoid.
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Kelly Rowell
This is too much. Lol. I never realized
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Audrey Hsia
That their butts are bald because they rub them against their cage doors.
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Brianna Burkhart
Ummm that they don’t bark, shed, are lazy, not good jogging/hiking companions, can’t learn a recall and are untrainable
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Michelle Lee
Yes! Untrainable and aren’t good at dog sports other than lure coursing!
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Sue Phillips
I had heard about the jogging/walking thing, mine will go as far as I want them when we hike. We’ve done almost six miles, and they weren’t hurting.
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Shelley MJ
All of the above. And that they didn’t know their names because you wouldn’t want someone to call out their name in a race and the dog would come over. Just crazy!
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    Sue Phillips
    I was working in a kennel at the dog track when I got my first in 1993. There wasn’t a lot of information from the pet end, just from trainers who had them at home.
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    Pat Tarditi
    Actually the false statement came from me when I said at the home visit:
    Just so you know, I am only getting a dog, I do not cook for my dogs, and I will not get as crazy as you cause I am only getting a dog for companionship.
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    Christopher Molnar
    Yeh right. Just like we said we would only have one.
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    Pat Tarditi
    Oh I said I was only going to have one also…
    Shaun Powers
    I was told K was underweight 10 lbs, and he should be fed 8 cups of food a day. With a little research, found out He was 2 lbs under race weight, and realized the food amount was ridiculous. Little surprise when I found out the group was the worst in MA.
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    Audrey Hsia
    8 cups of food per day?! WTF is wrong with people
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    Christopher Molnar
    Shaun Ranger wants you to start believing that again and he wants to visit! He would be in dream land. Round, but in dreamland
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    Shaun Powers
    Audrey Group has been in adoption for years too, many people have found out that Louise Coleman is a foul, and unparalleled piece of garbage. I found this out after I adopted Keima, glad I helped him make his escape from that place. Thankfully they get…
    See more
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    Shaun Powers
    Christopher Molnar hahaha I’ll bet xDD
    Candy Collins Beck
    The barking and shedding thing, but throw in how abused they were.
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    Bob Rider
    I never adopted one but I was told by two ladies (that thought I had a adopted one) at a gas station that I was walking a dog at about how mean they are and how you have to keep a muzzle on them all the time so they don’t bite people because the people that race them are so mean to them.. They told me I better get a muzzle on the one I was walking before she bit me.
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    Sue Phillips
    I bet she never bit you, ever, did she?
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    Melissa Magpie
    That greyhounds can’t sit, or down (obedience down) on the floor.

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