Jesse Pannell is feeling relieved.
The pack has settled down this evening for the first time since Christopher has been in the hospital. They have been so in tune to my stress levels that they haven’t been able to settle down and Mindy has been in tune to Chris. She has a deep connection with Chris that is uncanny… when I got home this afternoon from the hospital her disposition was so different that I can’t even explain the difference. She was closer to her normal self. It was like she knew daddy was no longer stressed or something. She didn’t try to knock me down and smell me from head to toe before I could go take care of the rest of the pack and let them out so they could run free in the house. She even went into a deep sleep this evening before our 9:00 turn out.
The moral of the story is please pay attention to your hounds… If they start acting funny and paying really close attention to you take their lead and go to the Dr for a check up. Mindy kept checking on Chris several times a night and wouldn’t stay in her bed. She always stays in her bed but before Chris went into the hospital she kept kicking Leona out of her bed so she could be closer to Chris. We thought it was funny but just thought we were going through another pack dynamic change. Nope…. Since Chris has been in the hospital she has stayed in her bed and only gotten up to stretch and do her normal bed check on everyone.
Our pups know us and will give us warnings before we know it