Facebook Post: 2017-01-26
Switched up my planned workout today. Started off with a 14 mile bike ride (first one in months) and then followed it up with a 6 mile run. I must…
Switched up my planned workout today. Started off with a 14 mile bike ride (first one in months) and then followed it up with a 6 mile run. I must…
Today, four years ago, we made the decision (or should I say, Lady made the decision) to retire her. She had an early retirement plan.
I have been trying to be nice but this deserves to be shared: Estimated $5 Billion US tax dollars to build a wall. I could think of a few better…
I hear superbowl tickets are going for between 3,495.00 to 115,000.00. Right.....
So, do I put a short local March race in before my April 27th Marathon? I have one I am interested in that is a) cheap, and b) in Bartow,…
Lady is funny. Every time she comes in the back door from being outside it seems the be a requirement to do one lap around the living room, in a…
Let's see, how many of these "don't prescribe" was I on a year ago?
Nice run before work today.
Christopher Molnar added a new photo.
I have begun to block links from biased reporting and fake news sites. I don't want to see it and I don't want the link to increase the "hits" on…